We've got a bundle of off-meta wild Warlock decks for you today which make use of some of March of the Lich King's finest offerings. Come get in touch with your wild side and play something different!


Warlock has recieved a new Undead minion package, which can fit into multiple decks. This Deck of Chaos deck has a Demon mana cheat package as well as a Murloc mana cheat package as well as the Undeads. Deck of Chaos improves all of this.


This deck uses a Pain package which can make it go down to low health. Dar'Khan Drathir helps you restore health.


Egg Warlock has gotten a lot of new support including Devourer of Souls, Shallow Grave, and a new egg.


Renolock is largely unchanged, but Astalor Bloodsworn is a great new addition as well as Amber Whelp making Dragon synergies more consistent.


Evenlock is largely unchanged, but Astalor Bloodsworn is a good addition.


Discardlock has gotten Walking Dead and Soul Barrage as support.

What are your favorite Wild decks? Which off-meta decks have you been playing lately? Share them via our deckbuilder and let us know in the comments below!