We've got a bundle of off-meta Wild decks for you today which make use of some of Festival of Legends' finest offerings. Come get in touch with your wild side and play something different!

Egg Death Knight

Egg Death Knight is now a thing! Death Knight got great new Deathrattle support in Festival of Legends including Death Growl, Mosh Pit, Boneshredder, and Cage Head. Existing cards such as Grave Strength, Construct Quarter, Anti-Magic Shell, and Unholy Frenzy offer more ways to pop your eggs, and take over the board. Play this deck aggressively, and enjoy the new Deathrattle synergies.

Egg DK
A Unholy Death Knight Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago

Quest Outcast Demon Hunter

Final Showdown has been unnerfed, and has gotten new cards in Festival of Legends that make it stronger and more fun than ever! First of all, this deck can use all the Outcast cards and infinite Outcast generation of Wretched Exile to pump the new Glaivetar to high levels of card draw. This helps with quest completion, and, when used with the new Tony, King of Piracy, you can steal or destroy 20+ cards of an opponent's deck easily the same turn you play him! To make it even sweeter, the cards you steal from your opponent's deck will all be discounted by 2.

Untapped Potential Druid

Rhythm and Roots is even better in this deck than most, where it will be 39/39 worth of stats for only 4 mana! Drum Circle is also great in this deck due to the Ossirian Tear hero power of Untapped Potential.

Beast Hunter

This is the deck I used for Legend this month, before the expansion using Dire Frenzy for lategame. It is even stronger now, with Stranglethorn Heart resurrecting Tundra Rhinos, Shadehounds, and Hydralodon. Due to the interaction between Tundra Rhino and Hydralodon, you can get infinite Hydralodon Heads and destroy the entire opponent board. Then, you can deal up to 49 damage charge face. This is very very strong as a finisher for this deck, and means that Dirty Rat hitting your Tundra Rhinos doesn't prevent you from winning. The fact that it has Tradeable as a 1-Mana draw 1 makes it not too bad vs aggro.

Hand Mage

Hand Mage got Synthesize and Volume Up which make getting full hands a lot easier. It uses this to get cheap Mountain Giants and Goldshire Gnolls, and then uses Conjurer's Calling, the key card which you can tutor and get more copies of with Volume Up, to get multiple big minions for cheap. Photographer Fizzle is also in this deck, due to all the spell tutors you can get his Snapshot quite consistently.

Pure Divine Shield Paladin

Divine Shield Paladin got a ton of support: Spotlight for tempo, Funkfin for Attack, Jitterbug for draw, and Annoy-o-Troupe as something that is 4 Divine Shield Taunt minions in one and can be cheated out with Blood Crusader. This deck uses all the new and existing Divine Shield synergies (such as Highlord Fordragon, Bolvar, Fireblood, and Light's Sorrow) in a deck with Call to Arms to get multiple Divine Shield minions out. In addition, Pure has The Purator which can tutor multiple new and old Divine Shield cards: Bolvar, Fireblood is Undead, Annoy-o-Troupe, The Leviathan, and Shielded Minibot are Mechs, Jitterbug is a Beast, and Funkfin and Murgur Murgurgle and the prime are Murlocs. Funkfin is so strong that Rally! is used to guarantee a resurrect of it. In general, play this deck aggro using Divine Shield synergies using board control and a hugely buffed Light's Sorrow to win.

Aggro Heal Priest

Priest got a new Overheal mechanic and this deck uses the new mechanic to be Aggro, generating huge boards with Heartthrob, drawing with Crimson Clergy, and dealing damage with Heartbreaker Hedanis. Holy Champion is a great newly-buffed aggressive Overheal minion as well, and Dreamboat is a great source of Overheal activation.

Secret Rogue

Secret Rogue makes good use of the new bounce effects Breakdance and Bounce Around (ft. Garona) to bounce key minions like Shadowjeweler Hanar, Astalor Bloodsworn, and Ghastly Gravedigger.

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shaman uses JIVE, INSECT! to get Ragnaros the Firelord early, as well as the great new elemental Granite Forgeborn who is extra good with Earthen Might.

Void Contract Warlock

Void Contract Warlock is a deck for you if you like disruption. Using Bloodbloom and Shadowborn to get Void Contract into play early, it can deal quite a lot of damage to the opposing deck. Rin, Orchestrator of Doom is a great new addition for more disruption while Symphony of Sins (which you can also Bloodbloom to get for cheap) is a great additional win con once both players' decks are empty. The deck has multiple other empty deck win cons as well such as Neeru Fireblade, Rivendare, Warrider, Ambassador Faelin, and Chef Nomi.

Menagerie Warrior

Menagerie Warrior has got a ton of support, from Roaring Applause for draw, to Power Slider as a big Rush minion, to Rock Master Voone for more value (especially good since your minions are handbuffed) and The One-Amalgam Band. The deck plays aggressive but has Kazakusan as a lategame winner if needed.

What are your favorite Wild decks? Which off-meta decks have you been playing lately? Share them via our deckbuilder and let us know in the comments below!