Whoever downvoted him, would you please explain the reason? I kind of share his sarcasm: Blizzard is insanely slow and lazy about implementing improvements.
Because it's really not that important and doesn't improve actual game play. It's nice to have, sure, but it's also easy to see why it would not be a big priority.
Also, it's good to have something in the hip pocket that you can bring out to boost retention when the competition ramps up.
Look at the screenshots, though. I know these aren't "final" values (whatever that means, since they are subject to change at any time), but you can see that it takes 1200 XP to get from level 3 to level 4 on the track. In the other shot, you see that one easy daily quest earns you 1000 XP. So yes, two quests will get you a reward of some kind. It won't always be gold, but I'm sure it's always worth at least as much as a pack, whether it's an actual pack, 100+ gold, an epic card, or a tavern ticket.
The ability to inflict bless others with the rapture of Yogg is sure to be one of life's greatest joys!
Also, the chances of a so-called backfire are minimal. Your opponent was already doing something that would benefit them. At worst, this will turn it into something about as bad for you as the opponent was about to do anyway. It's not likely to actually become worse for you, but it could become much, much better.
One thing you need to keep in mind: if you play this, every single spell discounts Mana Giant. Every single spell still synergises with spell lovers like Mana Cyclone and Sorcerer's Apprentice. Yes, this is extreme RNG, but the current spell mage can use the random spells for their advantage. I just believe that instead of running spells like Conjurer's Calling, a deck with Deck of Lunacy might run other cheap spell loving minions like Dune Sculptor.
PS: Do Deck of Chaos and Deck of Lunacy represent the Old Gods? And if yes, can we expect two more Deck of *Old God Reference* cards?
I just worry about card draw in a deck like that. Your Mage draw spells are going to get transformed along with everything else. Do you hold this until you have those in hand, or just cross your fingers and hope you get some draw in your "upgraded" spells? Or maybe rely on minion-based draw?
How do you see these pairing up with Old Gods? Lunacy = C'Thun, Chaos = Yogg, perhaps? I can imaging a N'Zoth version (Priest?) that transforms your minions into random Deathrattle minions of higher cost (that don't actually cost more). As for Y'Sharrj ... maybe Druid or Warrior? Does a similar thing, but gives you Rush minions?
I think we're going to see a lot of this, especially paired with Solar Eclipse. When you gain 16 Armor, you can afford to spend your turn summoning a pair of do-nothing 8/8 minions.
I am not sure how much this card will see play from a practical standpoint. You need to have a lot of minions on the board for this to work, but if you are playing a token druid you aren't going to want something as slow as this.
I had heard they were going to be pushing Enhancement Shaman, and now I really believe it!
I guess this makes up for that silly legendary totem.
It's easy to see Team 5 is actually putting some thought into this collection. This is going to be a very important card moving forward.
Actually amazing for a neutral card. Very solid in both midrange and control.
Priest-haters gonna hate any Priest card that comes out if it actually fits the class identity.
This card is fine, and the fortune-telling flavor is perfect for the set.
I'm not sure what I did to provoke such hostility. I was only pointing out things I figured you must not have noticed.
But if you are dead set on being pessimistic about it, don't let me stop you.
This card makes N'Zoth Druid a thing. There's no "if" about it.
Because it's really not that important and doesn't improve actual game play. It's nice to have, sure, but it's also easy to see why it would not be a big priority.
Also, it's good to have something in the hip pocket that you can bring out to boost retention when the competition ramps up.
Look at the screenshots, though. I know these aren't "final" values (whatever that means, since they are subject to change at any time), but you can see that it takes 1200 XP to get from level 3 to level 4 on the track. In the other shot, you see that one easy daily quest earns you 1000 XP. So yes, two quests will get you a reward of some kind. It won't always be gold, but I'm sure it's always worth at least as much as a pack, whether it's an actual pack, 100+ gold, an epic card, or a tavern ticket.
If for some reason he turns evil again someday, will he then be Lothraxian the Re-demoned?
That would make your opponent immune and do nothing to disrupt lethal unless they actually needed the mana from Coin.
Best. Secret. Ever.
The ability to inflict bless others with the rapture of Yogg is sure to be one of life's greatest joys!
Also, the chances of a so-called backfire are minimal. Your opponent was already doing something that would benefit them. At worst, this will turn it into something about as bad for you as the opponent was about to do anyway. It's not likely to actually become worse for you, but it could become much, much better.
I've never liked anything about Murlocs, so I'm totally fine with this card being as stupid as it is.
I just worry about card draw in a deck like that. Your Mage draw spells are going to get transformed along with everything else. Do you hold this until you have those in hand, or just cross your fingers and hope you get some draw in your "upgraded" spells? Or maybe rely on minion-based draw?
How do you see these pairing up with Old Gods? Lunacy = C'Thun, Chaos = Yogg, perhaps? I can imaging a N'Zoth version (Priest?) that transforms your minions into random Deathrattle minions of higher cost (that don't actually cost more). As for Y'Sharrj ... maybe Druid or Warrior? Does a similar thing, but gives you Rush minions?
It would be great if it affected your hero-power totems, but as it is ...
Real talk, though: It's not like Shaman actually needed another powerful legendary card. This is fine.
I think we're going to see a lot of this, especially paired with Solar Eclipse. When you gain 16 Armor, you can afford to spend your turn summoning a pair of do-nothing 8/8 minions.
You can't control what minion you copy, but you will always add value to what you get.
It certainly makes things awkward for the opponent, more so if you run several different secrets.
I dunno, it's barely good on turn 2 or 3, and only if you have a weapon. That's a lot of conditions.
Later in the game it's terrible unless you are able to double-cast it somehow.
Unless we see some crazy support for this, there are far better cards for the 2-slot in any conceivable Shaman deck.
Thanks, I just found the gameplay video, and it did create Paladin cards.
It's not just a "fun" card, though. Almost any high-cost card can be good when it costs 3 less.
I'm pretty sure if the word "random" is not on the card, then the results will not extend outside your class.
The word "random" is not on this card.
Never mind, just found the gameplay video. Inconsistent wording for the win. :-(
You've just described Soul of the Forest to a T.