The first few days of a new expansion are heady, yet filled with dread as you wonder which decks are good and which Epics and Legendaries you should craft. For those of you facing this very dilemma, we present nine Budget decks theorycrafted by the Out of Cards community that you can try out on Day 1 while you wait to see how the meta will shake out.

Drek'Thar Deathrattle Demon Hunter

For those who represent the Horde, we have this deck that uses Drek'Thar to summon an army of small, sticky Deathrattle minions. While Piggyback Imp is the deck's only new Deathrattle, we're also running new faces like Flanking Maneuver (a good card for a deck that can't run 4+ Cost minions) and Battleworn Vanguard, who can summon an army of his own.

Vanndar Warlock

If, instead, you chose the Alliance, we have a slower Warlock deck that's heavy on big bodies for Vanndar Stormpike and The Dark Portal to discount. Lokholar the Ice Lord, as this Reward track's free Legendary, makes an appearance as this deck can discount him to as little as 0 Mana with The Dark Portal. Full-Blown Evil isn't Dark Skies, but it'll do.

Face Hunter

If you're memeing with slow, spell-based deks, you may not want to queue into fribzi, who is looking at something a bit faster with new 1-Drops Gnome Private and Irondeep Trogg to punish slower opponents and end the game quickly. We might also get a chance to see if Tower Sergeant is worth the hype in a deck that only needs Wolpertinger to activate his Battlecry.

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Thief Rogue

Thief Rogue got a lot of new cards (both from their class and from others) in the expansion. This attempted burglary goes heavily into the mechanic to get good tempo from Contraband Stash, as Wand Thief, Swashburglar, Vanessa VanCleef, and Reconnaissance can all give it good replay options while enabling early payoffs from Wildpaw Gnoll and Double Agent. We're also running Frostwolf Warmaster for early tempo, thanks to its synergy with cheap minions and Shadowstep.

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shaman is a familiar face for budget players, but this version pulls away from Primal Dungeoneer Nature spell synergies to run new spells Frostbite and Wildpaw Cavern. Instead, the deck finds card draw from Sleetbreaker generating Windchill, and Multicaster. The rest of the deck looks pretty much the same.

Big Paladin

Fractured in Alterac Valley gave Paladin players a lot of reasons to play big minions, most notably Cavalry Horn and Vitality Surge. This deck runs as many large bodies as it feels it can get away with and, thanks to the new set's trio of big Rushers (Templar Captain, Lokholar the Ice Lord and Troll Centurion), it can find ways to fight back against aggressive decks once it plays Horn and Commencement.

Deathrattle Rogue

Jajanken is looking to abuse Snowfall Graveyard with Sketchy Information shenanigans, then again with Counterfeit Blade. Counterfeit Blade, if you don't have it, could be replaced with Nerubian Egg for more Deathrattles to trigger.

Token Paladin

Badr wants to break Dun Baldar Bridge with a deck that summons lots of little minions very cheaply to make up for the 4 Mana investment in bridges. Day at the Faire and Stand Against Darkness are the standout turn-after plays, but the deck has a lot of ways to get those extra stats. You can exchange the expensive Conviction for any number of cards, our pick would be First Day of School.

Burn Mage

Likely the strangest deck we have to show you, this Burn Mage tries its hardest to aggressively cheat Mana with Shivering Sorceress, Hot Streak, and Siphon Mana so it can get an early Frostwolf Warmaster or two in play quickly. The rest of the deck uses Spell Damage from Imprisoned Phoenix and Aegwynn, the Guardian to boost our burn, while reloading with Discover effects and Multicaster.

What do you plan to play on Day 1 of the new expansion? Share your thoughts in the comments!

If you have any of your own Budget theorycraft decks to share, be sure to add them to our site via the deckbuilder and write up a guide to help others achieve your success!