This card can be a good replacement of it. Or just can't replace Infested Tauren, but worth to give it a try.
Did you mean Igneous Elemental, cuz' Infested Tauren was never used in Q Rogue. I browsed through the internet for some decklist examples and in neither of those I found the 2/3 Elemental:
Imho unless we get another minion, which generates Scarabs, the Infested Goblin won't see any play in the aforementioned deck. And even if we do, the wild meta might be too fast for an understated minion with a deathrattle effect.
it was before first nerf to get some protection against aggro and was not used for completing quest. For 5/5 taunts and the token that leaves as 5/5 on board. Actually it was also before Saronite Chain Gang. So maybe you are right about it because it wasn't used since Un'goro. :)
Maybe it doesn't make a place in a deck but we probably don't like to enocunter it because it is a sticky minion.
Mage's Conjurer's Calling and random spell generation which can bring that spell in any Mage deck even it doesn't a Conjurer Mage and Shaman's Big Bad Voodoo + Mutate which [Hearthstone Card (Hagathai The Witch) Not Found] can always bring them to shaman decks can summon Wasteland Assassin minion from some other 4-5 cost minions.
What I meant is, it can be scary to face it from random encounters. So it is a good card for card pool but bad card for construct a deck in it.
you will end up probably right because it seems like Legendary minions and quests have different themes. Paladin and Druid legendaries have different themes at least.
Well, you can say that Skulking Geist is a jade hate card and I can understand that but it also save people from Inner Fire bullshit, which is really frustrating to see from beta to 5th year.
As soon as it has gone to wild, Inner Fire decks appeared again.
I don't think Skulking Geist was only about Jade Druid. All Malygos decks are using 1-cost spells, Power Overwhelming was also a problematic card as a 1-cost card but it moved to HoF before Skulking Geist but it will be a solution to Power Overwhelming too like Conceal, Ice Lance or any other which i can't remember right now.
Like how mana cheating is a problematic mechanic for Hearthstone, Low costed - High Valued cards are also problematic too.
It can be said that almost all 1-cost minions can be problematic one day. Best example is Fire Fly. In the Year of the Mammoth, almost all decks have it. There are other problematic examples too,
Anyway, the subject here is Skulking Geist, I agree that it was created to counter Jade Idol but it was not a hate card. It is a simple tech card. Unlike you, I liked Skulking Geist's concept, I like its combo disruption + game plan disruption ability also a removal remover. I don't think that it ended as an Idol-Hate card.
Note that 'hate cards' isn't an official term. It's simply meaning a tech card designed specifically to destroy a particular deck or strategy rather than simply making the matchup easier.
A perfect example is the comparison of Brawl with Reno for tech against aggro decks. Brawl is a great anti-aggro tool and it helps your matchup against them, but it doesn't completely destroy the opponent as is. It HELPS you win, and if they screw up or if other areas of the game force them into a bad situation, can spell a win, but it itself doesn't win it alone. Reno, though, led to a lot of 50/50 matches (as you literally have a 50% chance of having it in your hand by turn 6 if you mulligan for it) where you flat out lose the game if he drops. If you played burn or fast aggro your only hope was that the card wouldn't show up.
Reno would be an anti-aggro Hate card, by many definitions. I can see people arguing against it, of course, but I hope it gives the idea.
In that same vein, I believe Geist was meant to be a Hate card for Idol that failed to do that and instead changed a LOT of other matchups (which I think was also expected by Blizzard). Whether that was a good card or not... I guess I lean on "it was a fine card, but lets not try it again so casually". I feel the same for the power level of death knights btw.
I guess KotFT was a unique expansion with huge power level because of the unbalanced game. There was almost only Jade Druids and Pirate Warriors in Ladder and it seemed like it can't be change. So it is like a "must to do" i guess. Or I'm wrong again i really don't know but I want to believe in this.
guys, please. i don't hate the hunter class objectively. please dont reference things from other irrelevant threads. please don't turn this into a hearthpwn thread. I'm trying to be a better person over here. lets discuss the card. some of us will be wrong, some of us will be right. its okay to speculate and have an opinion. it's not okay to turn this into a pissing match and bait each other into fight. can we please keep it civil and on topic?
Mine was just a joke, don't get it harshly please.
I can see what you are trying to say. Also I agree with you a bit. not completely but it can be an option.
There is not so much weapon removal in hearthstone, it could be an option to have a weapon heavy deck. I'm glad Rogue is getting some more weapons. HP can be good. But not great with Spectral Cutlass for example, even useless.
If you can spend all of your mana (which means you have to have great card draws and enough minions and spells in hand always.) You don't really need to spend your mana to 1/2 weapon because with 4 good weapons in your deck, you ll always be equipped a weapon.
I really didn't understand why the other guys came down on you.
I've recently figured it out by quoting some long quote chain that there is no insert a spoiler button at comment settings.
It could be good to have one, sometimes quotes can be so long and it disturbs people. I always prefer to quote someone when I answer or commenting something according to that comment. Simple replies can be confusing sometimes.
To make a long story short, There is not an "insert a spoiler" button.
Do you think to add it ? :) If you can it might be great. :)
Totally fine card in a world where Waggle Pick doesn't exist. But Waggle Pick exists.
Why not both?
Unless they added a new rule that says you can only run 2 weapons per deck?
"Cute" snark aside, I think you could maybe play 1 copy of this with the two picks to flesh out Raiding Party. But you're 100% playing 2x Pick first.
I just dislike the close minded approach to evaluating cards, "SI:7 exists, so every other 3-drop forever is unplayable," "Waggle Pick exists, so you are banned from playing another weapon." Why not both? do you remember old Pirate Warrior? You were definitely running 4 weapons in that deck and going face. This weapon doesn't even compete in the same mana slot, and Rogue has other cards that have synergy with weapons.
This from the guy who literally posted this yesterday?
Remember, this is "add 3 random cards to your hand." When have those been super strong? You want to draw cards you actually and specifically put into your deck, not random cards.
Also, keep in mind what other 3-drops this competes with and ask yourself how the hell this would fit into a Hunter deck (not listing the unplayed 3-drops):
After some thought, I don't think Wild Quest Mage wants this. Say that you play both quests.
Let me stop you right there, and point out you can only have one Quest active at a time. Kind of disappointing, as I would have liked to see what double-Quest archetypes people can come up with, but it is what it is.
Seriously? Man that's a bummer. They're taking a dump at a gaming tradition here! You acquire as many quests as you can and then you complete them all simultaneously to save time. This is heresy!
Also @Almaniarra, it doesn't work like you think it does. Servant of Yogg Saron casts the spell, not you, so it won't count towards the quest. In this case, you would need something like Unseen Saboteur, which actually says that the player casts the spell.
Yeah you are right but I still think that it can work with the quest. Btw I have ended up right about a card which will cast a spell.
Turn 8? You mean turn 7 two times Arcane Flakmage + secret = Flamestrike. Except you also have 2 bodies and a secret up. Insane stuff! And decent stats so it can be played for tempo on turn 2, like a sorcerer apprentice. I think mage will get at least 4 viable decks, tempo/secret, tempo/spell damage, conjurer/cyclone/giant and freeze. And probably also some OTK stuff using galaxy spell/Jepetto etc. This makes mage much less predictable as opponent. Nice!
no he meant that it causes an effect like Defile which can clear also Soul of the Murloc tokens on existing minions. He kills minions with deathrattle and also kills the tokens that deathrattle summons.
For the card, I'm seeing great synergy with Splitting Image here. Turn 5 Arcane Flakmage + Splitting Image is almost a great safe play to clean the board and have board afterwards.
it was before first nerf to get some protection against aggro and was not used for completing quest. For 5/5 taunts and the token that leaves as 5/5 on board. Actually it was also before Saronite Chain Gang. So maybe you are right about it because it wasn't used since Un'goro. :)
Only good for random summon effects such as Conjurer's Calling and Evolve and arena.
Well, There must be a card like this in the pool.
Maybe it doesn't make a place in a deck but we probably don't like to enocunter it because it is a sticky minion.
Mage's Conjurer's Calling and random spell generation which can bring that spell in any Mage deck even it doesn't a Conjurer Mage and Shaman's Big Bad Voodoo + Mutate which [Hearthstone Card (Hagathai The Witch) Not Found] can always bring them to shaman decks can summon Wasteland Assassin minion from some other 4-5 cost minions.
What I meant is, it can be scary to face it from random encounters. So it is a good card for card pool but bad card for construct a deck in it.
summon and recruit has also so big differences mechanically.
Remember Infested Tauren in Quest Rogue ?
This card can be a good replacement of it. Or just can't replace Infested Tauren, but worth to give it a try.
you will end up probably right because it seems like Legendary minions and quests have different themes. Paladin and Druid legendaries have different themes at least.
Shieldbreaker, it is your time to shine in aggro.
Bwonsamdi, the Dead, can draw all copies of Mogu Cultist if we can shuffle enough copies. It might be slow but works quite well like Tak Nozwhisker. Now I need to find a way to shuffle exactly 7 copies of Mogu Cultists to a priest deck. I guess Baleful Banker + Augmented Elekk or Spirit of the Dead won't be enough.
Mirage Caller in wild but don't know a way in standard yet.
I guess KotFT was a unique expansion with huge power level because of the unbalanced game. There was almost only Jade Druids and Pirate Warriors in Ladder and it seemed like it can't be change. So it is like a "must to do" i guess. Or I'm wrong again i really don't know but I want to believe in this.
clearing your own board is easy for rogue. Daring Escape.
Mine was just a joke, don't get it harshly please.
I can see what you are trying to say. Also I agree with you a bit. not completely but it can be an option.
There is not so much weapon removal in hearthstone, it could be an option to have a weapon heavy deck. I'm glad Rogue is getting some more weapons. HP can be good. But not great with Spectral Cutlass for example, even useless.
If you can spend all of your mana (which means you have to have great card draws and enough minions and spells in hand always.) You don't really need to spend your mana to 1/2 weapon because with 4 good weapons in your deck, you ll always be equipped a weapon.
I really didn't understand why the other guys came down on you.
I've recently figured it out by quoting some long quote chain that there is no insert a spoiler button at comment settings.
It could be good to have one, sometimes quotes can be so long and it disturbs people. I always prefer to quote someone when I answer or commenting something according to that comment. Simple replies can be confusing sometimes.
To make a long story short, There is not an "insert a spoiler" button.
Do you think to add it ? :) If you can it might be great. :)
He hates hunter, maybe that's why there is a difference with these 2 posts. :P
Spirit of the Shark says 'combo minions' not 'combo cards', That's why it doesn't doubles the Eviscerate already.
Hooked Scimitar isn't a minion as well.
Yeah you are right but I still think that it can work with the quest. Btw I have ended up right about a card which will cast a spell.
The new Tortollan Pilgrim was what I meant and it appeared yet. Now I am waiting for it if it will count towards quest or not. As I said above I still think that it will work. If it works Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, Servant of Yogg-Saron, Tortollan Primalist, Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron, Archmage Vargoth, Felhound Portal, Bomb and the other casting minions which i remember and Cast when drawn cards should work aswell.
If one works and others doesn't, it will be a huge mistake by Team 5. And If they all work as I intended, I'm sure they will nerf this card.
so true. Let's wait a bit, but not like Anka, the Buried reveal if it is possible. :D
What I really wonder is, Will Whirlkick Master be enough to make Defias Ringleader sees some competitive play or not.
+ With Whirlkick Master, maybe there could be a new miracle rogue after they burry it. Damn I really missed good old miracle rogue days.
So, we should expect a new secret, shouldn't we ?
you mean more lackeys maybe? EVIL Totem
no he meant that it causes an effect like Defile which can clear also Soul of the Murloc tokens on existing minions. He kills minions with deathrattle and also kills the tokens that deathrattle summons.
it is playing Arcane Flakmage + Ice Barrier + Counterspell which is 2+3+3 = 8
For the card, I'm seeing great synergy with Splitting Image here. Turn 5 Arcane Flakmage + Splitting Image is almost a great safe play to clean the board and have board afterwards.