Our community members have been working hard to figure out the best way to utilize all the new Castle Nathria cards, and we've compiled some of their finest results so far for you to try out on launch day.
Demon Hunter
Demon Hunters were given a Relic package to play with this expansion, and Loknax wasn't satisfied with just the two copies you're allowed to include to your deck, aiming to get some extras via Educated Elekk and Archmage Vargoth.
Other Demon Hunter explorations have included AurumDragoon's Denathrius/Il'gynoth OTK, KANMURU7's Deathrattle, and MrRhapsody's Odd lists.
Treants got some more support cards this expansion, and Kamouh was quick to put together this list for all the tree-lovers. As Treants are often created by Nature spells, Topior the Shrubbagazzor is also a great fit to the deck.
Other strategies supported by Castle Nathria have been Hadronox/N'Zoth shenanigans and tokens feeding Sire Denathrius, as shown by these theorycrafts from Kamouh, Florences, and MrRhapsody.
Just like Demon Hunter, their half-namesake got a new "mechanic"-package this expansion: Wildseeds. KANMURU7 has put those cards in heavy use in this Hunter list that also features the alternative win condition Sire Denathrius.
The wildseeds are also included in these Highlander and Quest lists from MrTrenboloneHS, Loknax, and MrRhapsody.
More mechanical packages! Mages got a bunch of exploding Skeletons, as well as some Secret support. Bonzo chose the former as the basis of this Freeze-heavy list.
Skeletons were the choice of dogScraw as well, while Promethean and frosthearth explored the Secret synergies.
Blizzard made another push for Pure Paladin with The Countess, and Korgano was eager to try out whether or not this payoff would be enough to make the archetype playable.
Silver Hand Recruits were the best-supported archetype for this expansion, and was explored by Neoguli and Loknax. In turn, dpollackhs decided to go BIG.
Priests got some new tools for OTK shenanigans, and tsyogan has been tinkering around the idea with the Inner Fire combo list below.
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Castle Nathria cards were also teched into KsEdrag0n's Questline list, Kamouh's Thief list, and MrRhapsody's Shadow list.
Secrets made a big return for Rogues (and Mages) in this expansion, and Spinnenhonig has naturally combined the best of the new cards with the old Secret staples residing in the Wild format.
MrRhapsody has added some thievery alongside the Secrets, while tsyogan and KANMURU7 were exploring the Miraculous possibilities of the new cards.
Shamans were also pushed into two directions by this murder mystery expansion: Evolve and Totems. The latter caught the eye of ForScience, who went Even further with this theorycraft deck.
MojoPogo has also drafted a similar theorycraft list, while Florences and Korgano explored the Evolving alternative.
The new Imp-synergy cards inspired frosthearth into putting together this list, that guarantees a steady influx of the small Demons via Galakrond and his Invokes.
Imps were also the choice of KANMURU7, while sense124 and BadPlayer were tampering tomes with their respective Mecha'thun and Quest lists.
Dorkpork has been tinkering with the idea of using the new cards in ETC OTK deck, giving some additional self-damage and Rush support.
Self-damage was also explored in KANMURU7's Frenzy deck, Spinnenhonig decided to go BIG, and KeWIN for the long Control route with these respective theorycrafts.
The trail of evidence led you to Wild ladder? Find some additional clues from these community decks.
Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!
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