anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
I usually am a very positive person but these "Wild" changes leave me disappointed af. No hype whatsoever for the buffed cards and the new stuff here.
Why? Well, good luck playing C'Thun decks against Tony Druid, Big Priest, Mech Paladin, Secret Mage and Frog Shaman. We have been waiting for months for them to address the problematic cards in Wild and got nothing. Nothing at all.
All the buffs coincidentally hit cards that are viable in the new Twist rotation. So yeah, this is all about Twist, Wild is left on its own once more.
And for all the people who want to tell me that we haven't seen the new cards for Wild yet and that they might change the meta, I have two questions: How high are the chances that happens? And if something is shipped that is more powerful than the current big bads, wouldn't that mean it is problematic on its own?
Wild needs nerfs for Yogg's sake!! Reliable OTKs on turn 4/5 are not OK, Big Priest has been cringe for years, draw your whole deck and vomit stats on turn 3 is not fun. How hard is it to acknowledge this and act upon it?
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 5 months ago
Hey, nice to read from you. Those numbers never fail to impress me, well done!
I'm currently focussing on Rogue, DK and DH (in that order). The first two will probably get done some time this year, but as much as I love 1.000 wins Illidan, collecting those wins is just a massive pain. I can't seem to find a DH deck that is good in Wild and fun to play (I just don't get along with Questline DH)... maybe the long anticipated Wild update will help.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 5 months ago
Brilliant! I'm loving it! Now please let me know where I can buy those outfits for my Hearthstone heros... I want to see those shoulder plates on Jaina :D
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 5 months ago
Looks fun! I can see some Bonelord Frostwhisper shenanigans unfold, similar to the Cage Head stuff that surfaced shortly in Standard. Also don't forget that Hollow Hound gives Hunter lots of survival so it isn't that hard anymore to reach turns 8-10, even in Wild.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 5 months ago
One of the devs said on twitter they had only 9 lore-based Titans and added two Hearthstone-only Titans, at least one of them being female and the Paladin class Titan. I can dig out the source if you want to, but I think it was Cora.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
Nope, no info yet as far as I know. It will be really interesting to see how this plays out imo, because I'd expect those decks to be at least somewhat competitive which ususally comes with a certain dust cost. So maybe this is an opportunity to get dust / cards for a better gold ratio than from packs, no matter if you actually want to play Twist.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
Major info, especially for those complaining about card aquisition: We will be able to buy pre-built decks with money or Gold (including golden versions).
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
Oh man, I'm sorry for you. This has to be a pretty bad feeling for lots of Classic players.
One small positive note about Twist: We got confirmation that it is possible to buy pre-built decks for the format with real money and with gold. Depending on the cost of those, this might help out people with smaller collections.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
I'm trying to net at least two Hearthstone wins a day with Rogue so I can get the 1.000 wins portrait within the next few months, but by far the most of my game time goes into my second playthrough of The Witcher 3. Last time I did everything on instinct, now I've looked up guides for the best builds and stuff on the net. This game will forever define my perception of what is a good game for AAA prices.
(also small hopes for early teasers about the Wild update that comes with the second HS expansion this year)
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
That was my exact thought as well, but then a friend of mine pointed out that you can just use Crazed Alchemist instead of Abusive Sergeant if you want to use her as a finisher. She did get a lot worse as a usefull card in your deck that can occasionally spin out of control when your opponent doesnt clear her though.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
With the mini set online for over a week now, let's take a look at how Wild is doing, shall we? Overall, I'm of the opinion we're in a really good place right now. The meta is pretty diverse and while there are some decks with play patterns some players might call toxic, those can be targeted without throwing away your games against other opponents. So here's what I'd take to ladder if I was in a competitive mood, almost all of them curtesy of GetMeowth sharing them on his discord:
Questline Outcast Demon Hunter is a very strong, high skill cap deck I've failed miserably with. A lot of people who are way better at the game swear it's fun and viable though so here you go :)
Questline ("Bonk") Druid is the deck that got me to legend last month. It is able to out-armor and taunt up against aggro and the constant output of attack damage combined with the ability to spam giants very early make it a threat to anything else.
Beast Hunter got some very cool tools but still gets in trouble if it doesn't find a decent opener. You might want to try the new Standard staple Hollow Hound in here as well (I'd cut the Razormaws first).
Secret Mage got so much better with Costumed Singer, it's pretty crazy. Also this is your go to if you want to mess with Funnel Cake Priests - they're weak to minion disruption.
Mech Paladin is alive and kicking. With this deck you can make the lives of Questline Druids, any sort of minion based aggro decks and Kingsbane Rogue pretty hard, all thanks to Bubblebot.
The elephant in the room, even though I don't think it's as bad as it looks at first glance: Funnel Cake Priest. There are other versions out there, but this seems to be the most popular.
Shadowpriest is still very strong and very underrated by the community. I for one stay true to Swizard's OG Shadowburst Priest list though, because I don't like the flavor of Pirates in Priest.
Kingsbane Rogue was one of the decks that profited the most from the new cards that Festival of Legends brought us. There are various lists out there, you can swap in stuff like Leeching Poison or Doomerang if you want to.
Of course we wouldn't play Wild if not for those semi-competitive meme decks. Those are what brings a lot of players the most fun in our format, but there's such a plethora of them out there, I'll just stick to what I've recently tried and enjoyed.
Blood Buff Death Knight is a very fun archetype that is just getting better and better with the addition of new cards. There's also a Standard version by FunkiMonki who piloted this to high legend!
Cute Warrior is a deck list that was born from the cooperation of MagmaRager, Warfariner, JambaJooze and Ramanujoke. It can get out of hands pretty quickly and if your board gets cleared, you can always fish for a surprise lethal with Warsong Commander and Power Slider. There's a great guide for this on Reddit.
Cute Warrior
A Unknown Warrior Deck created by
anchorm4n. Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago
Big & Undead Paladin takes the familiar Big Paladin shell and tries to make use of the Undead we received in the March of the Lich King and Dance Floor as well as Kangor, Dancing King from the latest expansion. I'm not sure yet if it is better than the OG version, but it's definitely a lot of fun!
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
linkblade has already said everything that came to my mind seeing the transparency report. Still: congrats, Demon! It was a cool idea to do something new with the Rune system.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
The meta is in such a good place that it's really hard to pick a deck to climb with. For me, Undead Priest did the trick in the end, probably because that's the deck that felt the most comfortable for me. The second best alternative would be Frost DK because it comes with more options to discover stuff that might help you when things start to go south.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
Kinda late feedback, I'm sorry:
Crusader 2010
I agree with what the others have said. Your best shot seems to be following AeroJulwin's idea of making it a Start of game effect imo. That said, I'd like to encourage you to further explore the "when your hero dies" avenue, it's a very creative approach.
It's a very good card and I can absolutely relate with you when it comes to being passionate about a card. The one thing I'd like to throw in is adding a little more flavor to the effect of the tokens by making them Cast when drawn, Freeze a random enemy minion and discover a Frost spell (I'm pretty indifferent about the thiefing aspect here). Also thanks for suggesting to make my minion a Demon, that was a great idea that also helped me find another character.
I kinda like both of them, but I think I prefer the Priest minion. As the others have said, it should come down a little later though. Maybe 5 Mana?
Going down the Rune avenue is a really good idea and it's a little strange you're the only one doing so so far. What I don't like about your card is that it's absolutely useless if you randomly generate or discover it and you're running a mixed Rune deck or playing another class, but that probably can't be helped. Also the art isn't terribly exciting, so I'm leaning towards 3 or 4 stars at the moment.
linkblade 91
Very nice, very flavorful card. I gave you 4 stars for the moment, but I'll have a second look once all the entries are in.
Even Shaman will surely run Totally Totems as well, don't you think so?
I usually am a very positive person but these "Wild" changes leave me disappointed af. No hype whatsoever for the buffed cards and the new stuff here.
Why? Well, good luck playing C'Thun decks against Tony Druid, Big Priest, Mech Paladin, Secret Mage and Frog Shaman. We have been waiting for months for them to address the problematic cards in Wild and got nothing. Nothing at all.
All the buffs coincidentally hit cards that are viable in the new Twist rotation. So yeah, this is all about Twist, Wild is left on its own once more.
And for all the people who want to tell me that we haven't seen the new cards for Wild yet and that they might change the meta, I have two questions: How high are the chances that happens? And if something is shipped that is more powerful than the current big bads, wouldn't that mean it is problematic on its own?
Wild needs nerfs for Yogg's sake!! Reliable OTKs on turn 4/5 are not OK, Big Priest has been cringe for years, draw your whole deck and vomit stats on turn 3 is not fun. How hard is it to acknowledge this and act upon it?
Those aren't Wild changes. They are buffing these cards to make Twist more interesting.
Hey, nice to read from you. Those numbers never fail to impress me, well done!
I'm currently focussing on Rogue, DK and DH (in that order). The first two will probably get done some time this year, but as much as I love 1.000 wins Illidan, collecting those wins is just a massive pain. I can't seem to find a DH deck that is good in Wild and fun to play (I just don't get along with Questline DH)... maybe the long anticipated Wild update will help.
Brilliant! I'm loving it! Now please let me know where I can buy those outfits for my Hearthstone heros... I want to see those shoulder plates on Jaina :D
Man, I'm largely ignoring the Runeterra part of the site, but seriously: Get yourself a diary.
Looks fun! I can see some Bonelord Frostwhisper shenanigans unfold, similar to the Cage Head stuff that surfaced shortly in Standard. Also don't forget that Hollow Hound gives Hunter lots of survival so it isn't that hard anymore to reach turns 8-10, even in Wild.
One of the devs said on twitter they had only 9 lore-based Titans and added two Hearthstone-only Titans, at least one of them being female and the Paladin class Titan. I can dig out the source if you want to, but I think it was Cora.
Nope, no info yet as far as I know. It will be really interesting to see how this plays out imo, because I'd expect those decks to be at least somewhat competitive which ususally comes with a certain dust cost. So maybe this is an opportunity to get dust / cards for a better gold ratio than from packs, no matter if you actually want to play Twist.
Twist will get new achievements, they're working on keeping the Classic achievements available.
Major info, especially for those complaining about card aquisition: We will be able to buy pre-built decks with money or Gold (including golden versions).
That should go a long way towards the accessability of this mode, given the prices aren't too steep.
Personally, I'm mostly looking forward to the "changing rules" part. There's room for some Tavern Brawl crazyness here and I'm all in for it!
Oh man, I'm sorry for you. This has to be a pretty bad feeling for lots of Classic players.
One small positive note about Twist: We got confirmation that it is possible to buy pre-built decks for the format with real money and with gold. Depending on the cost of those, this might help out people with smaller collections.
I'm trying to net at least two Hearthstone wins a day with Rogue so I can get the 1.000 wins portrait within the next few months, but by far the most of my game time goes into my second playthrough of The Witcher 3. Last time I did everything on instinct, now I've looked up guides for the best builds and stuff on the net. This game will forever define my perception of what is a good game for AAA prices.
(also small hopes for early teasers about the Wild update that comes with the second HS expansion this year)
That was my exact thought as well, but then a friend of mine pointed out that you can just use Crazed Alchemist instead of Abusive Sergeant if you want to use her as a finisher. She did get a lot worse as a usefull card in your deck that can occasionally spin out of control when your opponent doesnt clear her though.
Wait until they find out about Astalor
With the mini set online for over a week now, let's take a look at how Wild is doing, shall we? Overall, I'm of the opinion we're in a really good place right now. The meta is pretty diverse and while there are some decks with play patterns some players might call toxic, those can be targeted without throwing away your games against other opponents. So here's what I'd take to ladder if I was in a competitive mood, almost all of them curtesy of GetMeowth sharing them on his discord:
Questline Outcast Demon Hunter is a very strong, high skill cap deck I've failed miserably with. A lot of people who are way better at the game swear it's fun and viable though so here you go :)
Questline ("Bonk") Druid is the deck that got me to legend last month. It is able to out-armor and taunt up against aggro and the constant output of attack damage combined with the ability to spam giants very early make it a threat to anything else.
Another reason to run the new Speaker Stomper is that Tony Druid is still doing very well.
Beast Hunter got some very cool tools but still gets in trouble if it doesn't find a decent opener. You might want to try the new Standard staple Hollow Hound in here as well (I'd cut the Razormaws first).
Secret Mage got so much better with Costumed Singer, it's pretty crazy. Also this is your go to if you want to mess with Funnel Cake Priests - they're weak to minion disruption.
Mech Paladin is alive and kicking. With this deck you can make the lives of Questline Druids, any sort of minion based aggro decks and Kingsbane Rogue pretty hard, all thanks to Bubblebot.
The elephant in the room, even though I don't think it's as bad as it looks at first glance: Funnel Cake Priest. There are other versions out there, but this seems to be the most popular.
Shadowpriest is still very strong and very underrated by the community. I for one stay true to Swizard's OG Shadowburst Priest list though, because I don't like the flavor of Pirates in Priest.
Kingsbane Rogue was one of the decks that profited the most from the new cards that Festival of Legends brought us. There are various lists out there, you can swap in stuff like Leeching Poison or Doomerang if you want to.
Pirate Rogue hasn't received any new cards, but still works fine.
Even Shaman is experimenting with Jam Session and Jukebox Totem, it will be interesting to see where this leads the deck.
Of course we wouldn't play Wild if not for those semi-competitive meme decks. Those are what brings a lot of players the most fun in our format, but there's such a plethora of them out there, I'll just stick to what I've recently tried and enjoyed.
Blood Buff Death Knight is a very fun archetype that is just getting better and better with the addition of new cards. There's also a Standard version by FunkiMonki who piloted this to high legend!
Cute Warrior is a deck list that was born from the cooperation of MagmaRager, Warfariner, JambaJooze and Ramanujoke. It can get out of hands pretty quickly and if your board gets cleared, you can always fish for a surprise lethal with Warsong Commander and Power Slider. There's a great guide for this on Reddit.
Big & Undead Paladin takes the familiar Big Paladin shell and tries to make use of the Undead we received in the March of the Lich King and Dance Floor as well as Kangor, Dancing King from the latest expansion. I'm not sure yet if it is better than the OG version, but it's definitely a lot of fun!
Blackrock Reno Warrior is another idea from MagmaRager with a great Reddit guide. Sometimes it bricks, but it's a ton of fun when it works! (The cards in ETC are Provoke, Glacial Shard and Disruptive Spellbreaker)
And that's it for the moment! How do you like the Wild meta right now? Which decks do you like to play? Any undiscovered gems out there?
Any updates about the timeline? I was really looking forward to this :/
linkblade has already said everything that came to my mind seeing the transparency report. Still: congrats, Demon! It was a cool idea to do something new with the Rune system.
The meta is in such a good place that it's really hard to pick a deck to climb with. For me, Undead Priest did the trick in the end, probably because that's the deck that felt the most comfortable for me. The second best alternative would be Frost DK because it comes with more options to discover stuff that might help you when things start to go south.
Kinda late feedback, I'm sorry: