Constructed formats are the top priority as they are the main source of income. Most likely, in the near future, we will get even more new cards and mechanics, but that doesn't mean it's good for the health of the game. This strategy has both positive and negative aspects.
You're absolutely right, but Hearthstone is going through a string of financial failures. Perhaps this is forcing Blizzard to change the usual approach. Plus this weird survey . Blizzard often resorts to polls in the most critical situations.
It's just too shocking news. There is no point in accepting a management position if there are no plans to continue working in the company. This makes me think of several scenarios. Perhaps Blizzard was disappointed by the results, or vice versa, Dean did not agree with some of Blizzard's requirements that could harm the game in the future. In any case, I hope the real reason is not so dramatic.
For me, this is extremely sad news. I'm sorry that Dean had too little time as game director to implement his vision for the future of Hearthstone. I believed that he could make the game much better. Thanks to his Q&A, we learned a lot of details and insights about the development of the game. It was so important to the community. I just hope this is his own decision and not the consequences of the failure of the BG Battle Pass. So sad that Blizzard is losing such experienced professional designers. Now I'm worried about the future of Hearthstone again.
The idea of introducing guilds is exciting! This can be an internal platform for receiving news, as well as for social and gaming interactions. The guilds can also be the basis for the introduction of raids.
Remove the chances to get coins of a given Mercenary once it's maxed.
Maintain the chances to receive them, but automatically convert them into coins of another Mercenaries (of the same rarity?) you haven't fully upgraded yet.
Introduce a "conversion system", which allows you to disenchant excess coins and craft others with a certain exchange rate.
They will never let players get rid of excess coins and craft others with a certain exchange rate. This feature will completely destroy the Mercenaries economy and progression system. The crafting system from the traditional Hearthstone does not fit the Mercenary ideology.
Most likely they will allow players to convert excess coins into packs. For example, if you have 1000 excess rare coins, you can exchange them for 1 Mercenaries pack (800 epic coins or 500 legendary coins for 1 pack).
I expected to see Drek'Thar or Vanndar Stormpike as the first free Legendary card on the Rewards Track. In this case, the golden version could just be a nice cosmetic bonus. I was very surprised that Blizzard gave us Lokholar the Ice Lord instead. This approach brought the most benefits to players who did not find Drek'Thar and Vanndar Stormpike in the packs.
Quote From Author
The though was opening a card day 1 and then using it for the expansion, getting a free golden of it towards the end, you still got value out of the card you opened.
Yes it's true. But I will receive significantly less benefit compared to the player who will receive this card for free, even at the end of the expansion. Since I will have to spend more resources to get the complete collection. This is another example of poor reward planning. I'm glad that they are ready to fix the situation, but it seems to me that regular mistakes in the reward system have become a new trend.
The same thing! The communication with Blizzard support turned out to be a complete disappointment. This weekend I was watch streams using a VPN, it didn't help me. I used different devices, different browsers, different YouTube accounts :[
This event cannot be a punishment for Free-2-Play players if it allows them to get some extra resources. Even if you have cards for only one class and you cannot take part in the event, you will not lose anything, since on average this event will allow players to receive only an additional ~ 1500 XP (50 gold). For most of the players, a Class Bonus Event is a great opportunity to try different strategies and styles of play and thus diversify the daily interaction actions in the game.
The tweet from Dean Ayala inspired me to create this image. This is a great idea! It would be cool to have minor weekend events, fun monthly events and huge events like a Class Bonus Event. Even a small XP boost is a good incentive to do unusual actions in the game and have fun.
Hi guys. In anticipation of a new expansion, Azeroth's residents always try to identify the best and worst cards. Once again, we have combined community polls from Hearthstonetopdecks and OutOfCards into one list. Based on this data, we have determined the estimated power factor (%) for each card. After that, we divided all the cards into different categories according to a five-star rating. And as the icing on the cake, we've added the rating from a popular experts (TrumpSC and RegisKillbin).
I have a theory: Blizzard did the math, calculated that the extra Epic and Legendary on the track were worth at least 15 packs, and so by their calculations this new system is equivalent to the old one. Now everyone is mad, and Blizzard is afraid to show their math because they don’t want to admit how overpriced the Legendaries are..
After analyzing all the free rewards that players received over two years, I came to the conclusion that the developers have a hidden value calculator for every element of the game economy. Despite the wide variety of different types of awards almost every phase brought the players the same number of awards.
The value of 1 legendary card plus 1 epic card = 1100 gold or 11 current packs or 2000 dust (Of course, I cannot say that my approach to calculating awards is the right one. But it displays certain trends). Blizzard gave us 1350 more gold, but took away 6 packs (2 current and 4 previous ones, the value of these packs is equivalent to 350 gold). Thus, our profit was only 1000 gold. Please note that the estimated value of the 1 Legendary + 1 Epic cards and our real profit from the extra gold are very similar. Blizzard decided to just gife us these two cards.
But at the same time, they can proportionally reduce the rewards for events and the players won't even notice it. Such manipulations are happening all the time! For example, the first Legendary card and three packs in Rewards Track are no longer a login in gift. They became part of the Rewards Track awards.
Another example. Do you remember the one-time rank reward? Do you think you received an additional award? In fact, rewards during events have been proportionally reduced throughout the expansion phase. In total, we received the same amount of resources.
Bliizzard promised that we would not receive less gold, Bliizzard promised us that some players would receive more rewards, But Blizzard did not promise that each player would receive more rewards!
Blizzard will not give us the opportunity to get additional resources, as this could destroy the economy and monetization of the game. This does not mean that they are bad guys, it means that they want to make money!
During the Ashes of Outland expansion, each player received an average of 6900 gold and 4 classic packs for completing quests. In the new Rewards Track patch, the amount of gold has increased to 5550 coins. In addition to this, the amount of experience from quests should be sufficient to conquer 7 bonus levels. This means you will get an additional 1050 gold.
Thus, the new amount of gold for completing quests will be 6600. This is a very important change!
Yes, you still receive 300-500 less gold, but your profit will be much higher if your goal is to collect a collection of cards (even if you think that the current packs and the first legendary card should not be taken into account).
According to my calculations, the total Rewards Track reward for quests will be equivalent to a minimum of 9550 gold (6600 Gold + 2 Legendary Cards + 5 Latest Packs + 5 Prior Packs + 2 Tavern Tickets + 1 Epic Car)
For some Arena players who don’t need cards at all, the loss of even 300-500 gold coins for quests this is still damage. Xp per hour can compensate for the loss of gold and potentially give even more. Arena players in the past did not receive gold for three victories at all, and now they get at least something. The situation for the Arena players has improved slightly, but what about the fate of the players who spend a lot of time in the game? Blizzard is still silent on XP PER HOUR!
Once again, we have combined community polls from Hearthstonetopdecks and OutOfCards into one list. Based on this data, we have determined the estimated power factor for each card. After that, we divided all the cards into different categories according to a five-star rating. To complement this data, we have added the assessment of TrumpSC, a Hearthstone expert.
We have prepared our changes to the current reward system and invite you to become participants in our research. You will have the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of our idea. Perhaps together we can change the economy of the game, or vice versa, the results of our experiment could confirm the effectiveness of the current monetization system.
Hearthstone is an important source of income for Blizzard. We respect that. But on the other hand, a crisis has ripened in the economy of the game. According to the results of our survey, only 2 percent of players are completely satisfied with the game economy and don't want any changes. More than half of players are convinced that change is necessary.
Our main goal is to try to offer a system that will not only allow Blizzard to maintain a high profit, but possibly even increase it, while also making the game economy more loyal to players. This would expand the audience of the game and allow completing a collection of cards for free. Subsequently, developers will gain the respect that they deserve.
As you know, we constantly monitor the number of rewards players recieve. Under the current economy during the 4 months between expansions, players have had the opportunity to receive rewards equivalent to approximately 110 packs (sometimes this amount is more, sometimes less). We propose to increase the number of free resources by almost two times, to 200 packs (as you know, you need to purchase approximately 250 packs to get the entire card collection). In addition, we propose introducing a generous reward for a complete collection.
Let's start with the our changes to the quest system. A daily quest should most often award you a pack from the current expansion.Sometimes you will be able to get a classic pack or 80 gold as a reward for completing a quest with a friend. If you refresh the quest you are guaranteed to receive a random quest for 60 gold, or in very rare cases, 100 gold. Thus, you can always choose between a current pack and a smaller amount of gold.
We also want to increase rewards for ranked play. If you manage to reach the tenth rank, you will receive an additional 3 packs. For the fifth rank you will receive 5 packs. If you have reached the legend rank you will receive 10 packs.
In addition, we propose to create weekly special quests with tasks that you can perform in solo mode. As a reward, you will also receive the current card pack. Events should occur every month, as a reward you will receive packs from past expansions and cards. Within 4 months, the reward will be equivalent to 40 old packs.
Thus, you will receive a reward that is equivalent to a minimum of 200 packs if you took part in all events, made 6 victories per day and reached rank 5 each month for 4 months. Most players spend much less time in the game.In this case, if you achieve 3 wins per day and also reach rank 10, your reward will be equivalent to 180 packs.And finally, if you managed to achieve the legend rank every month and won 9 times a day, you will earn at least 230 packs.
In other words, in the long run, players will have all the cards from past sets, regardless of whether they spent money or not. Creating a deck will be easier, and players will be able to use more classes and strategies. Moreover, players will not have to get rid of cards after rotation, since they will have enough resources. In turn, this will allow players to play in wild mode.
Another very important innovation is a special award for the full collection of cards for every new expansion. We offer a very valuable reward. First of all, you will get a golden pack. Secondly, you will receive a special set of golden cards from the current expansion. Let's look at this with the example of Descent of Dragons.
You will get 5 golden legendary Galakrond cards as well as 2 golden copies of Devoted Maniac and Shield of Galakrond. These will be promotional cards that you cannot disenchant. If you already had these golden copies, they will be automatically disenchanted from your collection for the full cost of crafting. And the main reward. A special new golden legendary card that will not affect the balance of the game, but will give a lot of fun to the players. It could be a card that looks like Whizbang the Wonderful or Elite Tauren Chieftain. Maybe it could be a card that will make your deck into random legendary cards. Why not? We are convinced that the developers and the community have a lot of interesting ideas.
The main source of income for Blizzard is still pre-orders. We suggest keeping the current pricing system for the bundles that were introduced in Descent of Dragons. 60 packs and a golden legendary card for $ 50; and 100 packs and a golden legendary card for $ 80. But in addition, we decided to add a new bundle. We called it the "Thank You" Bundle. In other words, by making this purchase you say thanks to the developers. The money received for the purchase will be spent on improving the game, experimenting with modes and new features. For just $ 10 you get 20 packs. This is a great opportunity for Free-2-play players to support developers.
Unfortunately, pre-orders are still too expensive. We tried to find a way to reduce the cost of packs, but this, in turn, inevitably entails a significant reduction in company revenue. Blizzard has created an ingenious monetization system that allows them to get the maximum possible profit. The company will definitely not give up on this approach.
Here are a few words about the main disadvantage of this system. About a third of players use a rational strategy for collecting resources. They collect gold for 3 to 4 months. This approach allows you to significantly save money and get the maximum possible number of new packs for free on the release day of a new expansion.
The main source of gold is daily quests. In our system, quests will almost always offer you a pack of cards as a reward. You can always update your daily quest
and choose gold instead of the pack, but it will not be as profitable. Thus, collecting resources over the course of 4 months will be a meaningless exercise, since all players are guaranteed to receive much more cards after the expansion release. They will only need to wait a bit. We understand that our concept is not perfect, but at the same time, we believe, it solves many problems.
Dear friends, here is the main question. If this monetization system appears in Hearthstone, will you have a desire to regularly pre-order? And how much money will you be willing to spend? Are you ready to thank the developers for their hard work and generosity? Please, think carefully and be honest with everything.
We created a Youtube poll. Just open this video on Youtube, find the "i" button on the screen and vote. Also share your opinions in the comments.
Wow, this is a really impressive concept. You did a great job, thank you for your efforts. :]
I found one drawback: The first month of the game in Explorer mode (after rotation) will not be any different from the Wild mode, since all the cards will be available to players.
And I would suggest another solution for the collection. Players can use the complate collection of common, rare and epic cards from wild sets absolutely free. This will make almost all players competitive, and increase the audience.
Constructed formats are the top priority as they are the main source of income. Most likely, in the near future, we will get even more new cards and mechanics, but that doesn't mean it's good for the health of the game. This strategy has both positive and negative aspects.
You're absolutely right, but Hearthstone is going through a string of financial failures. Perhaps this is forcing Blizzard to change the usual approach. Plus this weird survey . Blizzard often resorts to polls in the most critical situations.
It's just too shocking news.
There is no point in accepting a management position if there are no plans to continue working in the company. This makes me think of several scenarios. Perhaps Blizzard was disappointed by the results, or vice versa, Dean did not agree with some of Blizzard's requirements that could harm the game in the future.
In any case, I hope the real reason is not so dramatic.
For me, this is extremely sad news.
I'm sorry that Dean had too little time as game director to implement his vision for the future of Hearthstone. I believed that he could make the game much better. Thanks to his Q&A, we learned a lot of details and insights about the development of the game. It was so important to the community.
I just hope this is his own decision and not the consequences of the failure of the BG Battle Pass. So sad that Blizzard is losing such experienced professional designers. Now I'm worried about the future of Hearthstone again.
The idea of introducing guilds is exciting! This can be an internal platform for receiving news, as well as for social and gaming interactions. The guilds can also be the basis for the introduction of raids.
They will never let players get rid of excess coins and craft others with a certain exchange rate. This feature will completely destroy the Mercenaries economy and progression system. The crafting system from the traditional Hearthstone does not fit the Mercenary ideology.
Most likely they will allow players to convert excess coins into packs. For example, if you have 1000 excess rare coins, you can exchange them for 1 Mercenaries pack (800 epic coins or 500 legendary coins for 1 pack).
I expected to see Drek'Thar or Vanndar Stormpike as the first free Legendary card on the Rewards Track. In this case, the golden version could just be a nice cosmetic bonus. I was very surprised that Blizzard gave us Lokholar the Ice Lord instead. This approach brought the most benefits to players who did not find Drek'Thar and Vanndar Stormpike in the packs.
Yes it's true. But I will receive significantly less benefit compared to the player who will receive this card for free, even at the end of the expansion. Since I will have to spend more resources to get the complete collection. This is another example of poor reward planning. I'm glad that they are ready to fix the situation, but it seems to me that regular mistakes in the reward system have become a new trend.
The same thing! The communication with Blizzard support turned out to be a complete disappointment. This weekend I was watch streams using a VPN, it didn't help me. I used different devices, different browsers, different YouTube accounts :[
Thanks, but I'm from the "correct" region. You are lucky :] According to my survey, about a third of players have difficulty earning YouTube Drops.
I have connected and disconnected accounts many times :[
I've been watching streams for sixteen weeks (2 seasons) and still haven't received any packs :[
This event cannot be a punishment for Free-2-Play players if it allows them to get some extra resources. Even if you have cards for only one class and you cannot take part in the event, you will not lose anything, since on average this event will allow players to receive only an additional ~ 1500 XP (50 gold). For most of the players, a Class Bonus Event is a great opportunity to try different strategies and styles of play and thus diversify the daily interaction actions in the game.
The tweet from Dean Ayala inspired me to create this image. This is a great idea! It would be cool to have minor weekend events, fun monthly events and huge events like a Class Bonus Event. Even a small XP boost is a good incentive to do unusual actions in the game and have fun.

Hi guys. In anticipation of a new expansion, Azeroth's residents always try to identify the best and worst cards. Once again, we have combined community polls from Hearthstonetopdecks and OutOfCards into one list. Based on this data, we have determined the estimated power factor (%) for each card. After that, we divided all the cards into different categories according to a five-star rating. And as the icing on the cake, we've added the rating from a popular experts (TrumpSC and RegisKillbin).
Video Version
The Best Class Cards
Photo Version
(Updated. added rating from Trump)
After analyzing all the free rewards that players received over two years, I came to the conclusion that the developers have a hidden value calculator for every element of the game economy. Despite the wide variety of different types of awards almost every phase brought the players the same number of awards.
The value of 1 legendary card plus 1 epic card = 1100 gold or 11 current packs or 2000 dust (Of course, I cannot say that my approach to calculating awards is the right one. But it displays certain trends). Blizzard gave us 1350 more gold, but took away 6 packs (2 current and 4 previous ones, the value of these packs is equivalent to 350 gold). Thus, our profit was only 1000 gold. Please note that the estimated value of the 1 Legendary + 1 Epic cards and our real profit from the extra gold are very similar. Blizzard decided to just gife us these two cards.
But at the same time, they can proportionally reduce the rewards for events and the players won't even notice it. Such manipulations are happening all the time! For example, the first Legendary card and three packs in Rewards Track are no longer a login in gift. They became part of the Rewards Track awards.
Another example. Do you remember the one-time rank reward? Do you think you received an additional award? In fact, rewards during events have been proportionally reduced throughout the expansion phase. In total, we received the same amount of resources.
Bliizzard promised that we would not receive less gold, Bliizzard promised us that some players would receive more rewards, But Blizzard did not promise that each player would receive more rewards!
Blizzard will not give us the opportunity to get additional resources, as this could destroy the economy and monetization of the game. This does not mean that they are bad guys, it means that they want to make money!
During the Ashes of Outland expansion, each player received an average of 6900 gold and 4 classic packs for completing quests. In the new Rewards Track patch, the amount of gold has increased to 5550 coins. In addition to this, the amount of experience from quests should be sufficient to conquer 7 bonus levels. This means you will get an additional 1050 gold.
Thus, the new amount of gold for completing quests will be 6600. This is a very important change!
Yes, you still receive 300-500 less gold, but your profit will be much higher if your goal is to collect a collection of cards (even if you think that the current packs and the first legendary card should not be taken into account).
According to my calculations, the total Rewards Track reward for quests will be equivalent to a minimum of 9550 gold (6600 Gold + 2 Legendary Cards + 5 Latest Packs + 5 Prior Packs + 2 Tavern Tickets + 1 Epic Car)
For some Arena players who don’t need cards at all, the loss of even 300-500 gold coins for quests this is still damage. Xp per hour can compensate for the loss of gold and potentially give even more. Arena players in the past did not receive gold for three victories at all, and now they get at least something. The situation for the Arena players has improved slightly, but what about the fate of the players who spend a lot of time in the game? Blizzard is still silent on XP PER HOUR!
This is definitely one of the best deals.
The community is often mistaken in its predictions. :]
The Gadgetzan Gazette
By: Chief Investigative Reporter Dora R
Once again, we have combined community polls from Hearthstonetopdecks and OutOfCards into one list. Based on this data, we have determined the estimated power factor for each card. After that, we divided all the cards into different categories according to a five-star rating. To complement this data, we have added the assessment of TrumpSC, a Hearthstone expert.
1 Secret Passage - 92%, (5 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
2 Ace Hunter Kreen - 90%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
3 Lord Barov - 90%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
4 Twilight Runner - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
5 Voracious Reader - 89%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
5 Forest Warden Omu - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
5 Spirit Jailer - 89%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
8 Lab Partner - 89%, (5 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
9 Coerce - 88%, (5 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
10 Devout Pupil - 87%, (5 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
11 Nature Studies - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
12 Demon Companion - 87%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
12 Brittlebone Destroyer - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
12 Disciplinarian Gandling - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
15 Soulshard Lapidary - 87%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
16 Argent Braggart - 87%, (5 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
16 Lightning Bloom - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
18 Lorekeeper Polkelt - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
19 Vectus - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
19 Shield of Honor - 85%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
21 Soul Shear - 85%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
22 Diligent Notetaker - 84%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
23 Krolusk Barkstripper - 84%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
24 Double Jump - 84%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
25 Glide - 83%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
25 Wand Thief - 83%, (5 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
27 Headmaster Kel'Thuzad - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
28 Sphere of Sapience - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
28 Void Drinker - 83%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
30 Raise Dead - 82%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
1 Ace Hunter Kreen - 90%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
2 Lord Barov - 90%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
3 Forest Warden Omu - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
4 Disciplinarian Gandling - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
5 Lorekeeper Polkelt - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
6 Vectus - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
7 Headmaster Kel'Thuzad - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
8 Sphere of Sapience - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
9 Instructor Fireheart - 82%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
10 Ras Frostwhisper - 81%, (5 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
11 Mindrender Illucia - 80%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
12 Shan'do Wildclaw - 79%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
12 Professor Slate - 79%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
14 Speaker Gidra - 78%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
15 Soulciologist Malicia - 77%, (4 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
16 Keymaster Alabaster - 77%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
17 Doctor Krastinov - 75%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
18 High Abbess Alura - 72%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
19 Jandice Barov - 67%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
20 Archwitch Willow - 66%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
20 Star Student Stelina - 66%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
22 Turalyon, the Tenured - 65%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Minion, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
23 Rattlegore - 63%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
24 Mozaki, Master Duelist - 63%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
25 Infiltrator Lilian - 60%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
1 Secret Passage - 92%, (5 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
2 Devout Pupil - 87%, (5 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
3 Argent Braggart - 87%, (5 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
4 Krolusk Barkstripper - 84%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
5 Void Drinker - 83%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
6 Potion of Illusion - 80%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
7 Flesh Giant - 79%, (4 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
7 Devolving Missiles - 79%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
9 Combustion - 78%, (4 Stars) Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
10 Playmaker - 78%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
11 Trueaim Crescent - 75%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Weapon, -. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
12 Educated Elekk - 74%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
13 Felosophy - 72%, (4 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
14 Runic Carvings - 72%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
15 Cabal Acolyte - 71%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
16 Totem Goliath - 68%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Minion, Totem. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
17 Transfer Student - 68%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
18 Survival of the Fittest - 68%, (4 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
19 Ceremonial Maul - 63%, (4 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
20 Steeldancer - 62%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
21 Ancient Void Hound - 61%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
22 Guardian Animals - 52%, (3 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
23 Enchanted Cauldron - 46%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
1 Twilight Runner - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
2 Voracious Reader - 89%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
3 Coerce - 88%, (5 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
4 Demon Companion - 87%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
4 Brittlebone Destroyer - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
6 Soul Shear - 85%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
7 Diligent Notetaker - 84%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
8 Glide - 83%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
9 Reaper's Scythe - 82%, (5 Stars) Warrior, Weapon, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
10 Shadowlight Scholar - 80%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
11 Shardshatter Mystic - 79%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
12 Robes of Protection - 79%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
13 Troublemaker - 78%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
14 Groundskeeper - 78%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
15 Power Word: Feast - 78%, (4 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
16 Brain Freeze - 76%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
17 Cram Session - 76%, (4 Stars) Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
18 Gift of Luminance - 73%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
19 Teacher's Pet - 73%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
19 Blessing of Authority - 73%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
21 Overwhelm - 73%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
22 Goody Two-Shields - 72%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
23 Boneweb Egg - 71%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
24 Partner Assignment - 69%, (4 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
25 Magehunter - 69%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
26 Trick Totem - 67%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Minion, Totem. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
26 Bloated Python - 67%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
28 Self-Sharpening Sword - 65%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
29 Molten Blast - 65%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
30 Wyrm Weaver - 64%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
31 Cycle of Hatred - 57%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
32 Shifty Sophomore - 57%, (3 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
33 Cult Neophyte - 55%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
34 Initiation - 54%, (3 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
35 Commencement - 49%, (3 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
1 Spirit Jailer - 89%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
2 Lab Partner - 89%, (5 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
3 Nature Studies - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
4 Soulshard Lapidary - 87%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
5 Lightning Bloom - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
6 Shield of Honor - 85%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
7 Double Jump - 84%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
8 Wand Thief - 83%, (5 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
9 Raise Dead - 82%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
10 Wolpertinger - 81%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
11 School Spirits - 81%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
12 Marrowslicer - 80%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.
13 Plagiarize - 79%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
14 Draconic Studies - 77%, (4 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
15 Firebrand - 76%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
16 Manafeeder Panthara - 76%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
17 Adorable Infestation - 76%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
18 Frazzled Freshman - 75%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
19 Primordial Studies - 75%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
20 Athletic Studies - 75%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
21 Wave of Apathy - 74%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
22 Tidal Wave - 73%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
23 Tour Guide - 72%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
24 Vulpera Toxinblade - 72%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
25 Cutting Class - 72%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
26 First Day of School - 71%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
27 Rune Dagger - 69%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
28 Sorcerous Substitute - 68%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
29 Animated Broomstick - 66%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
30 Intrepid Initiate - 65%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
30 Carrion Studies - 65%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
30 Demonic Studies - 65%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
33 Wandmaker - 64%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
34 Onyx Magescribe - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
34 Wretched Tutor - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
36 Steward of Scrolls - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Elemental. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
37 Plagued Protodrake - 60%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
38 Crimson Hothead - 58%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
39 Lake Thresher - 55%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars.
40 Sneaky Delinquent - 54%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
41 Vilefiend Trainer - 53%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
42 Pen Flinger - 51%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
43 In Formation! - 50%, (3 Stars) Warrior, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
44 Fel Guardians - 50%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
45 Gibberling - 49%, (3 Stars) Druid, Minion, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.
46 Judicious Junior - 47%, (3 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.
47 Smug Senior - 45%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
48 Desk Imp - 45%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
49 Ogremancer - 44%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
50 Blood Herald - 43%, (3 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
51 Divine Rager - 39%, (2 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Elemental. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
52 Fishy Flyer - 31%, (2 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Murloc. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.
We have prepared our changes to the current reward system and invite you to become participants in our research. You will have the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of our idea. Perhaps together we can change the economy of the game, or vice versa, the results of our experiment could confirm the effectiveness of the current monetization system.
Hearthstone is an important source of income for Blizzard. We respect that. But on the other hand, a crisis has ripened in the economy of the game. According to the results of our survey, only 2 percent of players are completely satisfied with the game economy and don't want any changes. More than half of players are convinced that change is necessary.
Our main goal is to try to offer a system that will not only allow Blizzard to maintain a high profit, but possibly even increase it, while also making the game economy more loyal to players. This would expand the audience of the game and allow completing a collection of cards for free. Subsequently, developers will gain the respect that they deserve.
As you know, we constantly monitor the number of rewards players recieve. Under the current economy during the 4 months between expansions, players have had the opportunity to receive rewards equivalent to approximately 110 packs (sometimes this amount is more, sometimes less). We propose to increase the number of free resources by almost two times, to 200 packs (as you know, you need to purchase approximately 250 packs to get the entire card collection). In addition, we propose introducing a generous reward for a complete collection.
Let's start with the our changes to the quest system. A daily quest should most often award you a pack from the current expansion.Sometimes you will be able to get a classic pack or 80 gold as a reward for completing a quest with a friend. If you refresh the quest you are guaranteed to receive a random quest for 60 gold, or in very rare cases, 100 gold. Thus, you can always choose between a current pack and a smaller amount of gold.
We also want to increase rewards for ranked play. If you manage to reach the tenth rank, you will receive an additional 3 packs. For the fifth rank you will receive 5 packs. If you have reached the legend rank you will receive 10 packs.
In addition, we propose to create weekly special quests with tasks that you can perform in solo mode. As a reward, you will also receive the current card pack. Events should occur every month, as a reward you will receive packs from past expansions and cards. Within 4 months, the reward will be equivalent to 40 old packs.
Thus, you will receive a reward that is equivalent to a minimum of 200 packs if you took part in all events, made 6 victories per day and reached rank 5 each month for 4 months. Most players spend much less time in the game.In this case, if you achieve 3 wins per day and also reach rank 10, your reward will be equivalent to 180 packs.And finally, if you managed to achieve the legend rank every month and won 9 times a day, you will earn at least 230 packs.
In other words, in the long run, players will have all the cards from past sets, regardless of whether they spent money or not. Creating a deck will be easier, and players will be able to use more classes and strategies. Moreover, players will not have to get rid of cards after rotation, since they will have enough resources. In turn, this will allow players to play in wild mode.
Another very important innovation is a special award for the full collection of cards for every new expansion. We offer a very valuable reward. First of all, you will get a golden pack. Secondly, you will receive a special set of golden cards from the current expansion. Let's look at this with the example of Descent of Dragons.
You will get 5 golden legendary Galakrond cards as well as 2 golden copies of Devoted Maniac and Shield of Galakrond. These will be promotional cards that you cannot disenchant. If you already had these golden copies, they will be automatically disenchanted from your collection for the full cost of crafting. And the main reward. A special new golden legendary card that will not affect the balance of the game, but will give a lot of fun to the players. It could be a card that looks like Whizbang the Wonderful or Elite Tauren Chieftain. Maybe it could be a card that will make your deck into random legendary cards. Why not? We are convinced that the developers and the community have a lot of interesting ideas.
The main source of income for Blizzard is still pre-orders. We suggest keeping the current pricing system for the bundles that were introduced in Descent of Dragons. 60 packs and a golden legendary card for $ 50; and 100 packs and a golden legendary card for $ 80. But in addition, we decided to add a new bundle. We called it the "Thank You" Bundle. In other words, by making this purchase you say thanks to the developers. The money received for the purchase will be spent on improving the game, experimenting with modes and new features. For just $ 10 you get 20 packs. This is a great opportunity for Free-2-play players to support developers.
Unfortunately, pre-orders are still too expensive. We tried to find a way to reduce the cost of packs, but this, in turn, inevitably entails a significant reduction in company revenue. Blizzard has created an ingenious monetization system that allows them to get the maximum possible profit. The company will definitely not give up on this approach.
Here are a few words about the main disadvantage of this system. About a third of players use a rational strategy for collecting resources. They collect gold for 3 to 4 months. This approach allows you to significantly save money and get the maximum possible number of new packs for free on the release day of a new expansion.
The main source of gold is daily quests. In our system, quests will almost always offer you a pack of cards as a reward. You can always update your daily quest
and choose gold instead of the pack, but it will not be as profitable. Thus, collecting resources over the course of 4 months will be a meaningless exercise, since all players are guaranteed to receive much more cards after the expansion release. They will only need to wait a bit.
We understand that our concept is not perfect, but at the same time, we believe, it solves many problems.
Dear friends, here is the main question. If this monetization system appears in Hearthstone, will you have a desire to regularly pre-order? And how much money will you be willing to spend? Are you ready to thank the developers for their hard work and generosity? Please, think carefully and be honest with everything.
We created a Youtube poll. Just open this video on Youtube, find the "i" button on the screen and vote. Also share your opinions in the comments.
Wow, this is a really impressive concept. You did a great job, thank you for your efforts. :]
I found one drawback: The first month of the game in Explorer mode (after rotation) will not be any different from the Wild mode, since all the cards will be available to players.
And I would suggest another solution for the collection.
Players can use the complate collection of common, rare and epic cards from wild sets absolutely free. This will make almost all players competitive, and increase the audience.