Forged in the Barrens Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide
Forged in the Barrens is the first Hearthstone set being released in the Year of the Gryphon. The expansion will launch on March 30 with a mini set being added later in the year.
Forged in the Barrens Quick Info
- New Keyword: Frenzy - Effects that are triggered the first time a minion survives damage.
- Spell Schools - Like minion tribes but for spells!
- Arcane, Fel, Fire, Frost, Nature, Holy, and Shadow are the schools.
- Older spells are being reclassified under these tribes as well.
- Ranked Spells - Gain power as a match progresses. They grow in power at 5 and 10 mana.
Forged in the Barrens Freebies
- Login starting NOW to get a free Shadow Hunter Vol'jin!
What is in the Forged in the Barrens Mega Bundle
- 80 Forged in the Barrens card packs.
- 5 Golden Forged in the Barrens card packs.
- Battlegrounds Perks.
- Hamuul Runetotem Druid Hero Portrait.
- 2 random Golden Forged in the Barrens Legendary cards.
- Hamuul Runetotem card back.
What is in the Forged in the Barrens Bundle?
The Forged in the Barrens Bundle includes:
- 60 Forged in the Barrens card packs.
- 2 random Forged in the Barrens Legendary cards.
- Hamuul Runetotem card back.
Forged in the Barrens Community Compendium
See how the community initially rated the expansion! Check out the Forged in the Barrens Community Compendium!
Revealed Cards for Forged in the Barrens
These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for Forged in the Barrens.
Demon Hunter
Forged in the Barrens Board
We're getting a new board with the expansion.
Forged in the Barrens Cinematic
Forged in the Barrens Announcement
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So when reveal period does start?
They haven't announced it yet.
Spell schools is exciting. That'll add a layer of complexity and strategy for deck building.
so the next expansion is going to be elwynn or something else alliance focused, right? then the third set this year will be a clash between alliance and horde
Really hoping we get Alterac Valley. The snow theme there might be primarily present to make people think we're getting Alterac Valley though, Blizzard could be aiming for a sneak attack there. Though, Darkmoon Faire was also pretty obvious the second we all saw last year's teaser.
Echoes of Alterac anyone?
It looks like Wintergrasp could be the third expansion.
Dean did mention something about testing ‘vehicle cards’ that would replace your hands with buttons. Much like the siege engines in WoW...
It would be a cool melting pot for a Horde vs Alliance showdown.
I also thought Alterac for exp3 as I'm thinking it looks a little snowy, and if they are doing a Horde exp and an Alliance exp, and wanting to bring HS back to it's Warcraft roots, the loosely connected third exp makes sense to be in an epic WoW BG. And none of the original BGs in WoW are more epic than AV.
For the second exp I am thinking Westfall, and the mini set of 1 and 2 will revolve around classic dungeons in the zones. Specifically Razorfen Kraul/Downs and then Deadmines. Not sure what the mini set of AV theme might be other than maybe bringing in some reinforcements to the fight?
What about the Frenzy keyword? What does that mean?
OK, I found it: "Frenzy Effects triggered the first time a minion survives damage".
Holy spell? Nature damage spell? "his wife" ? Do we know what does that mean?
Spells will get Tribes like Arcane, Holy, Nature, Fire, Demonic, Frost and Shadow if i remember correctly. And there will be cards that will benefit different types of Spell like the Shaman Legendary who give Nature Spells, Spelldamage +3 for example.
For the finding it`s wife i think that the wife gets shuffled in the deck and when you play him you draw a card to try and find it. Not sure about that tough.
All tokens are on the official page. It's a 3/10 that immediately attacks the enemy hero. you can hover on the token's name to see it.
Tokens are also found on our card pages. Click through to a card page and look under "Related Cards".
Nice to know! I missed it there! Is there a chance to make it appear as a side card when you write Mankrik?
Will there be a page like this for the Core Set to track reveals? I know many of the cards will be old cards, but I'd love to see something like this for when they're confirmed/revealed.
We have an auto-generated page for the new Core Set cards already, but it doesn't contain the existing-yet-confirmed cards for now as we need to figure out how to handle those.
For the Horde!!! Better expansion theme so far for me since knights of frozen throne
Yeah, brings back memories. The Mankrik flavor text makes me feel so sorry for him for all of the Horde toons I made over the years.